Perks of Living at Home for Seniors

The number of people over 60 living in Canada these days is growing at a rapid rate. With such an influx of senior citizens populating society, there is a growing need for seniors to get the assistance and support they require. Many seniors are choosing to remain in...

Don’t Forget to Take Your Medication!

Did you know that it is estimated that roughly 50% of all medications are not taken as prescribed? That number is shockingly high. Most people that don’t take their medication as prescribed simply forget to take it. It can get very confusing trying to remember what...

Dealing with Difficult Behavior in Seniors

Providing care for an elderly loved one can certainly be challenging at times. It can become even more demanding if your loved one is showing signs of disruptive behavior. This disruptive behavior can manifest itself in the form of aggression or other destructive...

The Importance of Seniors Nutrition

Seniors Nutritional Needs Fueling our bodies with proper nutrition by putting thought into the foods that we eat on a consistent basis is crucial for the maintenance of health and vitality at all stages of life. As we grow older and our bodies go through the numerous...

Prostate Check

If you are a male over the age of 45, it is a good idea to have a complete physical exam including a prostate check. Why is this important? The prostate can become enlarged and can lead to serious health problems if it goes unchecked. What is a Prostate? The majority...