It may be because germs are impossible to see with the naked eye that we forget how much havoc they can wreak. We come into contact with these microscopic organisms all the time from surfaces we touch, other humans, and even our food. Germs can actually pose a significant threat to seniors in certain circumstances. For example, if a senior contracts the common flu it can be amplified by germs, causing further complications. Seniors fall victim to an unproportionate number of flu-related deaths. This happens when the common flu becomes amplified by an outside factor, such as germs. If your loved one is already dealing with a condition such as emphysema, contracting the flu can amplify the negative symptoms. Germs are typically viewed as tiny and ineffectual, but they can cause serious problems if disregarded.
Germs tend to be spread through physical contact with another person. They can also be transmitted through the air if you are in close proximity to an effected person that sneezes or coughs. If you are out during flu season, try to avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose before washing your hands. These tiny microbes can also be spread through surfaces and food. Germs can live on all types of surfaces, both dry and damp. Although, a germ’s life expectancy is much longer on a damp or wet surface. Here are a few ways to avoid germs and prevent spreading them.
Germ Protection
The best practice for preventing the spread of germs is to wash your hands thoroughly and frequently. During flu season, it is recommended to wash your hands as much as possible and certainly if you come in contact with another person or animal. Germs need an entranceway to gain access to the body. This usually occurs through the eyes, nose, mouth, or open sore or cut. Be sure to wash your hands extremely well when preparing food, and don’t touch anything after handling raw meat. Hand sanitizer is another effective way to kill germs. It is recommended to use this in conjunction with hand washing. Carrying hand sanitizer with you when you go out is a good way to combat germs from others, especially in flu season.
Providing Support
You can play an active role in helping protect your loved one from germs and seasonal illnesses. Here are some suggestions:
- Be a diligent hand washer
- Avoid physical contact with sick people
- Avoid contact with your loved one if you are sick
- Keep a clean house
- Sanitize surface areas
- Clean sheets and towels regularly
- Throw away old food
These are a few preventative measures you can take to help you and your loved ones avoid the flu or other illnesses. As always, one of the best precautions is to maintain good health. Eating healthy, getting regular exercise and sleep, and drinking lots of fluids are invariably encouraged. A strong immune system is integral in combatting illness and disease. During the winter months, the risk of contracting a cold or the flu is at its peak so please be extra cautious.
If you have any questions or concerns about preventing and fighting illness please do not hesitate to contact us directly at Retire-At-Home Toronto.